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     Life Between Lives hypnosis is both an extension and evolution beyond Past Life Regression. This is because the techniques of LBL therapy allow access to our soul memories in a higher state of consciousness we call the superconscious mind. The key for the application and success of LBL therapy is the length of the session (which typically lasts 3 – 4 hours) and depth of the trance state (which must exceed that of a normal hypnosis regression). This LBL procedure called Spiritual Regression permits subjects to connect with their soul-self. Thus, clients are able to bridge their physical incarnations and connect with a more permanent immortal life in the spirit world.

    Once connected to one's "eternal self", a client is able to see his or her entire evolutionary karmic growth pattern over a vast amount of earth time in many bodies, while mentally residing in the "world between lives" that is our true home. One then learns why those bodies were chosen; the 'fit' between the experiences encountered in past and present lives; and the lessons they bring. The LBL client, when in a state of superconsciousness, is able to transcend identification with physical incarnations to access a deeper, eternal nature that actively records the lessons of those lives as part of the evolutionary growth of soul-consciousness.

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